Chapter 3 Running pVACtools

3.1 Learning Objectives

This chapter will cover:

  • Starting an interactive Docker session
  • Running pVACseq
  • Running pVACfuse

3.2 Starting Docker

In your Terminal execute the following command:

mkdir pVACtools_outputs

docker run \
-v ${PWD}/HCC1395_inputs:/HCC1395_inputs \
-v ${PWD}/pVACtools_outputs:/pVACtools_outputs \
-it griffithlab/pvactools:4.0.0 \

This will pull the 4.0.0 version of the griffithlab/pvactools Docker image and start an interactive session (-it) of that Docker image using the bash shell (/bin/bash). The -v ${PWD}/HCC1395_inputs:/HCC1395_inputs part of the command will mount the HCC1395_inputs folder at /HCC1395_inputs inside of the Docker container so that you will have access to the input data from inside the Docker container. The -v ${PWD}/pVACtools_outputs:/pVACtools_outputs part of the command will mount the pVACtools_outputs folder you just created. We will write the outputs from pVACseq and pVACfuse to that folder so that you will have access to it once you exit the Docker image.

3.3 Running pVACseq

pVACseq is used to identify neoantigens from missense, inframe indel, and frameshift mutations. The pipeline uses a somatic VCF file as an input, which represents variants identified in the tumor sample. The VEP annotations in the VCF file provide the variant type of a variant and their consequence on individual gene transcripts overlapping the genomic coordinates of the variant. The predicted amino acid change of the variant for a particular transcript is used by pVACseq to calculate the mutated peptide sequence.

The pVACseq pipeline is run using the pvacseq run command.

3.3.1 Required Parameters for pVACseq

The pvacseq run command takes a number of required parameters in the following order:

  • vcf_file: A VEP-annotated single- or multi-sample VCF containing genotype, transcript, Wildtype protein sequence, and Frameshift protein sequence information.
  • sample_name: The name of the tumor sample being processed. When processing a multi-sample VCF the sample name must be a sample ID in the input VCF #CHROM header line. Only variants that are called (with a genotype/GT of 0/1 or 1/1) in that sample will be processed.
  • allele(s): The name of the HLA allele(s) to use for epitope prediction. Multiple alleles can be specified using a comma-separated list. These should be the HLA alleles of your patient/sample. You might have clinical typing information for your patient. If not, you will need to computationally predict the patient’s HLA type using software such as OptiType. The the HLA allele names should be in the following format: HLA-A*02:01.
  • prediction_algorithms: The epitope prediction algorithms to use. Multiple prediction algorithms can be specified, separated by spaces. Use all to run all available prediction algorithms. pVACseq will automatically determine which algorithms are valid for each HLA allele.
  • output_dir: The directory for writing all result files.

3.3.2 Optional Parameters for pVACseq

The pvacseq run command offers quite a few optional arguments to fine-tune your run. Here are a list of parameters we generally recommend:

  • --phased-proximal-variants-vcf: This is an additional VCF file that includes both somatic and germline variants with phasing information. This file is used to identify variants near a somatic variant of interest and in-phase that would, as a result, change the predicted protein sequence around the somatic variant of interest and, thus, change the predicted neoantigens. Please note that pVACseq is currently only able to incorporate proximal missense variants so users should still manually investigate their candidates for other types of nearby variants (e.g. inframe and frameshift indels)
  • --normal-sample-name: When using a tumor-normal input VCF, this parameter is used to identify the normal sample in the VCF in order to parse coverage metrics for the normal sample.
  • --iedb-install-directory: For speed and reliability, we generally recommend that users use a standalone installation of the IEDB software. The pVACtools Docker containers already come with this software pre-installed in the /opt/iedb directory.
  • --allele-specific-binding-thresholds: When filtering and tiering neoantigen candidates, one main criteria is the predicted peptide-MHC binding affinity. By default, pVACseq uses a cutoff of <500 nmol IC50. However, for some HLA alleles, other cutoffs are more appropriate depending on the distribution of binding affinities across peptides. Setting this flag enables allele-specific binding cutoffs as recommended by IEDB.
  • --allele-specific-anchors: When considering a neoantigen candidate, only a subset of peptide positions are presented to the T cell receptor for recognition, while others are responsible for anchoring to the MHC, making these positional considerations critical for predicting T cell responses. Conventionally, the 1st, 2nd, n-1 and n position in a neoantigen candidate were considered anchors while recent studies (Xia et al. 2023) have shown that these positions will depend on the HLA allele. Setting this flag will use allele-specific anchor locations where possible (we have predictions for ~300 common alleles).
  • --run-reference-proteome-similarity: One consideration when selecting neoantigen candidates, is that the neoantigen should not occur natively in the patient’s proteome. When this flag is set, pVACseq will search for each neoantigen candidate in the reference proteome and report any hits found. By default this is done using BLASTp but we recommend using a proteome FASTA file via the --peptide-fasta parameter to speed up this step. This will trigger a much faster k-mer based search strategy.
  • --pass-only: By default, all variants that were called in the tumor sample are considered by pVACseq. This flag will lead pVACseq to skip variants that have a FILTER applied in the VCF to, e.g., exclude variants that were marked as low quality by the variant caller.
  • --percentile-threshold: When considering the peptide-MHC binding affinity for filtering and prioritizing neoantigen candidates, by default only the IC50 value is being used. Setting this parameter will additionally also filter on the predicted percentile. We recommend a value of 0.01 (1%) for this threshold.

Additionally there are a number of parameters that might be useful depending on your specific analysis needs:

  • --class-i-epitope-length and --class-ii-epitope-length: By default 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 are set for these parameters, respectively, but different lengths might be desired.
  • --tumor-purity: This parameter is used to bin variants into clonal and sub-clonal. This parameter might need to be adjusted based on the tumor purity of your data.
  • --problematic-amino-acids: Some vaccine manufacturers will consider certain amino acids in the neoantigen candidates difficult to manufacture. For example, a Cysteine is commonly considered problematic as it makes the peptide unstable. This parameter allows users to set their own rules as to which peptides are considered problematic and peptides meeting those rules will be marked in the pVACseq results and deprioritized.
  • --threads: This argument will allow pVACseq to run in multi-processing mode.
  • --keep-tmp-files: Setting this flag will save intermediate files created by pVACseq.
  • --downstream-sequence-length: For frameshift variants, the downstream sequence can potentially be very long, which can be computationally expensive. This parameter limits how many amino acids of the downstream sequence are included in the prediction. We often set a limit of 100.

There are additional parameters in pVACseq that we won’t discuss at this point because the defaults are usually sufficient. To see all available parameters, you can run pvacseq run -h.

3.3.3 pVACseq Command

Given the considerations outlined above, let’s run pVACseq on our sample data.

From the optitype_normal_result.tsv we know that the patient’s class I alleles are HLA-A*29:02, HLA-B*45:01, HLA-B*82:02, and HLA-C*06:02 (indicated that two of three class I alleles are homozygous in this sample). We also have clinical typing information that confirms these class I alleles as well as identifying DQA1*03:03, DQB1*03:02, and DRB1*04:05 as the patient’s class II alleles.

Note that where needed pVACseq will automatically create HLA class II dimer combinations using valid class II allele pairings.

To identify the tumor and normal sample names we will grep the VCF file for the CHROM header:

zgrep CHROM /HCC1395_inputs/annotated.expression.vcf.gz

This shows that the tumor sample is named HCC1395_TUMOR_DNA and the normal sample is named HCC1395_NORMAL_DNA.

For our test run, please execute the pvacseq run command below. The prediction run might take a while but pVACseq will output progress messages as it runs through the pipeline.

pvacseq run \
/HCC1395_inputs/annotated.expression.vcf.gz \
HLA-A*29:02,HLA-B*45:01,HLA-B*82:02,HLA-C*06:02,DQA1*03:03,DQB1*03:02,DRB1*04:05 \
all \
/pVACtools_outputs/pvacseq_predictions \
--normal-sample-name HCC1395_NORMAL_DNA \
--phased-proximal-variants-vcf /HCC1395_inputs/phased.vcf.gz \
--iedb-install-directory /opt/iedb \
--pass-only \
--allele-specific-binding-thresholds \
--percentile-threshold 0.01 \
--allele-specific-anchors \
--run-reference-proteome-similarity \
--peptide-fasta /HCC1395_inputs/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.pep.all.fa.gz \
--problematic-amino-acids C \
--downstream-sequence-length 100 \
--n-threads 8 \

3.4 Running pVACfuse

pVACfuse is run to in order to predict neoantigens from fusion events. The pipeline uses annotated fusion calls from either AGFusion or Arriba for this purpose. These annotators already include the fusion peptide sequence in their outputs which pVACfuse uses to extract neoantigens around the fusion position.

The pVACfuse pipeline is run using the pvacfuse run command.

3.4.1 Required Parameters for pVACfuse

The pvacfuse run command takes a number of required parameters in the following order:

  • input_file: An AGFusion output directory or Arriba fusion.tsv output file. For the purpose of this course, we will be running pVACfuse with AGFusion output.
  • sample_name: The name of the tumor sample being processed.
  • allele(s): The name of the HLA allele to use for epitope prediction. Multiple alleles can be specified using a comma-separated list. These should be the HLA alleles of your patient. You might have clinical typing information for your patient. If not, you will need to computational predict the patient’s HLA type using software such as OptiType.
  • prediction_algorithms: The epitope prediction algorithms to use. Multiple prediction algorithms can be specified, separated by spaces. Use all to run all available prediction algorithms.
  • output_dir: The directory for writing all result files.

3.4.2 Optional Parameters for pVACfuse

In addition to the required parameters, the pvacseq run command also offers optional arguments to fine-tune your run. You will find a lot of overlap between pVACfuse and pVACseq parameters and the same general considerations usually apply. Here are a list of parameters we generally recommend:

  • --starfusion-file: Path to a star-fusion.fusion_predictions.tsv or star-fusion.fusion_predictions.abridged.tsv. This file is used to extract read support and expression information for each predicted fusion.
  • --iedb-install-directory: For speed and reliability, we generally recommend that users use a standalone installation of the IEDB software. The pVACtools Docker containers already come with this software pre-installed in the /opt/iedb directory.
  • --allele-specific-binding-thresholds: When filtering and tiering neoantigen candidates, one main criteria is the predicted peptide-MHC binding affinity. By default, pVACfuse uses a cutoff of <500 nmol IC50. However, for some HLA alleles, other cutoffs are more appropriate depending on the distribution of binding affinities across peptides. Setting this flag enables allele-specific binding cutoffs as recommended by IEDB.
  • --run-reference-proteome-similarity: One consideration when selecting neoantigen candidates, is that the neoantigen should not occur natively in the patient’s proteome. When this flag is set, pVACfuse will search for each neoantigen candidate in the reference proteome and report any hits found. By default this is done using BLASTp but we recommend using a proteome FASTA file via the --peptide-fasta parameter to speed up this step.
  • --percentile-threshold: When considering the peptide-MHC binding affinity for filtering and prioritizing neoantigen candidates, by default only the IC50 value is being used. Setting this parameter will additionally also filter on the predicted percentile. We recommend a value of 0.01 (1%) for this threshold.

Additionally there are a number of parameters that might be useful depending on your specific analysis needs:

  • --class-i-epitope-length and --class-ii-epitope-length: By default 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 are set for these parameters, respectively, but different lengths might be desired.
  • --problematic-amino-acids: Some vaccine manufacturers will consider certain amino acids in the neoantigen candidates difficult to manufacture. For example, a Cysteine is commonly considered problematic as it makes the peptide unstable. This parameter allows users to set their own rules as to which peptides are considered problematic and peptides meeting those rules will be marked in the pVACseq results and deprioritized.
  • --threads: This argument will allow pVACfuse to run in multi-processing mode.
  • --keep-tmp-files: Setting this flag will save intermediate files created by pVACfuse.
  • --downstream-sequence-length: For frameshift fusions, the downstream sequence can potentially be very long, which can be computationally expensive. This parameter limits how many amino acids of the downstream sequence are included in the prediction. We often set a limit of 100.

3.4.3 pVACfuse Command

Given the considerations outlined above, let’s run pVACfuse on our sample data.

As with pVACseq, we can use the optitype_normal_result.tsv file to identify the patient’s class I HLA alleles. These are HLA-A*29:02, HLA-B*45:01, HLA-B*82:02, and HLA-C*06:02. We also have clinical typing information that confirms these class I alleles as well as identified DQA1*03:03, DQB1*03:02, and DRB1*04:05 as the patient’s class II alleles.

For pVACfuse the sample name is not used for any parsing so it doesn’t need to match any specific information in the AGFusion results. It is only used for naming result files. For consistency we will use the same HCC1395_TUMOR_DNA sample name we used in pVACfuse.

For our test run, please execute the pvacfuse run command below. The prediction run might take a while but pVACfuse will output progress messages as it runs through the pipeline.

pvacfuse run \
/HCC1395_inputs/agfusion_results \
HLA-A*29:02,HLA-B*45:01,HLA-B*82:02,HLA-C*06:02,DQA1*03:03,DQB1*03:02,DRB1*04:05 \
all \
/pVACtools_outputs/pvacfuse_predictions \
--iedb-install-directory /opt/iedb \
--allele-specific-binding-thresholds \
--percentile-threshold 0.01 \
--run-reference-proteome-similarity \
--peptide-fasta /HCC1395_inputs/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.pep.all.fa.gz \
--problematic-amino-acids C \
--downstream-sequence-length 100 \
--n-threads 8 \


Xia, Huiming, Joshua McMichael, Michelle Becker-Hapak, Onyinyechi C. Onyeador, Rico Buchli, Ethan McClain, Patrick Pence, et al. 2023. “Computational Prediction of MHC Anchor Locations Guides Neoantigen Identification and Prioritization.” Science Immunology 8 (82).